Prep to Win!

Warm-ups are CRUCIAL to reaching your goals.
Wes Kosel
June 13, 2024
Prep to Win!

πŸ”₯ Get Fired Up! πŸ”₯ Your Ultimate Warm-Up Guide is HERE! πŸ’ͺ

Are you tired of feeling like a rusted robot when you hit the weights or the track? Say goodbye to stiff muscles and hello to a workout that starts on FIRE. πŸš€ It’s time to MASTER your warm-up routine with these killer steps!

βœ… Coaching Tip #1: Pump Up The Beats, Get That Heart Rate Up! πŸŽΆπŸ’“

Start your session by getting your heart thumping and blood pumping. Whether it's jumping jacks, a brisk walk, or a quick dance-off with your shadow – do what it takes to shift your body from idle to REVVED UP!

βœ… Step #2: Range of Motion – Move it or Lose It! πŸ”„

Your joints need that sweet motion potion before you lift, run or jump. Dynamic stretches are your best friends here – think lunges, arm circles, hip rotations. Work through the movements that mirror your upcoming workout.

βœ… Step #3: Rehearse To Reverse Injury! 🎭🚫

Practice makes perfect and prevents injury. Walk through the specific moves you'll be tackling in the main event. This dress rehearsal isn't just for show – it primes your muscles for peak performance and keeps those pesky injuries at bay.

Remember: Warm-ups aren’t one-size-fits-all! Customize yours to target YOUR needs. More attention on those hamstrings? Extra time on those shoulders? You do you!

πŸ‘Š Embrace your personal pre-game ritual.

πŸ‘Š Prevent injuries like a pro.

πŸ‘Š Elevate every workout from good to GREAT.

Hit SAVE on this post and make every warm-up count! Your future self will thank you as you crush goals without any setbacks. Ready? Set? WARM-UP! πŸ”₯

#WarmUp #Coaching #InjuryPrevention #GetHeartRateUp


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